01 Hyundai Tiburon 'check engine light'

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by soccerchick2808, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. I have a 2001 Hyundai Tiburon and it has run fine since I've had it. A
    couple days ago the check engine light came on however when I put it
    into drive. It was shaky to start off and is now ruff when it idles..
    any idea what's wrong?
    soccerchick2808, Mar 18, 2007
  2. soccerchick2808

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from (Sat, 17 Mar 2007 20:54:36)
    about "01 Hyundai Tiburon 'check engine light'":

    s> I have a 2001 Hyundai Tiburon and it has run fine since I've had it. A
    s> couple days ago the check engine light came on however when I put it
    s> into drive. It was shaky to start off and is now ruff when it idles..
    s> any idea what's wrong?

    Did you fill up with gas just before the light started coming on?

    If there was no prior warning signs of anything going wrong then the gas
    cap seal is often the culprit.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Sat, 17 Mar 2007 22:05:24 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 18, 2007
  3. soccerchick2808

    hyundaitech Guest

    Since it's running rough, I'd suspect a misfire. To find out for sure,
    you'll need to have the engine and transmission diagnostic trouble codes
    read. AutoZone and AAMCO have advertised they'll do this for free. If
    you report back with the codes, I'll tell you what they mean.
    hyundaitech, Mar 18, 2007
  4. soccerchick2808

    Deck Guest

    Wayne you fixed it...now can read!
    Deck, Mar 19, 2007
  5. soccerchick2808

    Leonardo Guest

    Wouldn't the check engine light blink if it was misfiring?

    Leonardo, Mar 19, 2007
  6. soccerchick2808

    hyundaitech Guest

    Whether the check engine lamp flashes depends on the severity of the
    misfire. A flashing check engine lamp means that catalyst damage is
    likely after continued driving.

    While it's true that a flashing check engine lamp implies a misfire, the
    converse (i.e. a misfire implies a flashing check engine lamp) is not
    hyundaitech, Mar 19, 2007
  7. soccerchick2808

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Deck" <> (Sun, 18 Mar 2007 20:05:09)
    about "Re: 01 Hyundai Tiburon 'check engine light'":

    D> Wayne you fixed it...now can read!

    I changed the encoding twice this weekend, so I am not sure about the final
    solution to your problem.

    I am now using 8-bit Western European (Windows) - can you still read this
    post ?

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:26:48 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 19, 2007
  8. soccerchick2808

    Eric G. Guest

    Nope :)

    Eric G., Mar 19, 2007
  9. soccerchick2808

    kaboom Guest

    **Looks fine from here.

    kaboom, Mar 20, 2007
  10. soccerchick2808

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from (kaboom) (Mon, 19 Mar 2007
    19:47:03) about "Re: Unreadable posts":

    k> **Looks fine from here.


    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Mon, 19 Mar 2007 22:05:15 -0500

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader 3.3
    Wayne Moses, Mar 20, 2007
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