'01 Sante Fe codes?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Jim

    Jim Guest


    I've got a 01 Santa Fe with a check engine light. I live pretty far away
    from a dealership and hope to educate myself about the following codes
    before I take it to a dealer.

    All the following codes came out of the computer at the same time:


    Can anyone give any advice as to what these things mean? Do I need to park
    the car until I take it to a dealer?

    Jim, Aug 3, 2005
  2. Jim

    hyundaitech Guest

    P0115 indicates a problem with the coolant temp sensor readings.

    P0081 appears to not apply to the Santa Fe. It's listed as "Intake valve
    control solenoid, bank 1." As the Santa Fe doesn't have variable valve
    timing, I don't see how this would apply.

    U3118 also should not apply as the '01 Santa Fe doesn't have CAN
    communication between computers. My code list is old enough that it
    doesn't list any U codes.

    I also have no description for a C0300. Any C code would be a traction or
    ABS problem, so if you don't have traction or ABS, it doesn't apply to your

    I largely suspect the code reader used is having some difficulty
    communicating with your vehicle. You may wish to try a different reader.
    P0115 seems believeable. The others are highly suspicious.
    hyundaitech, Aug 3, 2005
  3. Jim

    Jim Guest

    Hyundaitech, you are awesome. Thank you for all your advice over the past
    couple of years.

    It was an "expensive" code reader but I'm told it doesn't have the
    manufacturer-specific codes. I read them off the unit myself so those are
    the codes that were gleaned so I suspect your last statement is correct.

    Jim, Aug 4, 2005
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