02 Elantra Spark Plugs

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Blue Flash, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    I would normally go to the Hyundai tech site for this, but since I've last
    looked, it seems to insist that I register first, and then it doesn't every
    respond with the email that it promises me... COOL!

    Anyway, I have a couple questions. What is the correct spark plug torque
    for the 2002 Elantra GT?

    Second, Using a guess at the torque, I installed a new set of plugs at about
    13.8 lb-ft, and the car now sputters and backfires. I put the old plugs
    back in, slight hesitation at idle, but not running that bad. Replace one
    plug, slight hint of a sputter. 2 plugs, backfires again. Old plugs back
    in, runs as before. I'm beginning to think that you just can't replace
    plugs in one of these...

    The replacement plugs I'm using are Autolite Platinum AP 3924.... supposed
    to be the right size... what's up with this??? Could the entire set of new
    plugs be bad?

    BTW, I have just over 60K on the plugs (yes, I'm looking at getting it to
    the shop for a new timing belt in the next few weeks.... )
    Blue Flash, Jun 27, 2005
  2. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    Buy NGK plugs, you will see a Big difference....
    Jody, Jun 27, 2005
  3. If you don't get an initial response, use the "lost password" function
    and it WILL respond. That's what I had to do.
    Not likely, but they could just be the wrong heat range, protrusion,
    etc. NGK's seem to be the most popular plugs, but you could also simply
    replace the originals with the same thing.
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 27, 2005
  4. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    Thanks Brian, I'll give that a try on the tech site.

    As far as the plugs go, Autolites are cheaper than NGKs, and I know they
    make a better plug, but I would expect the "spec'd" plug to at least make it
    run. Just as a second look though, all the dimensions match up, so I would
    have expected, based on the compatibility chart, that they would be for all
    practical purposes the same plug, just a different name.... (Champions vs
    Autolite, that is). I'll go down to the parts store and cough up the $$ for
    real plugs.

    Thanks again!

    - Steve
    Blue Flash, Jun 28, 2005
  5. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    any hyundai dealer ive been too recommends ngk plugs only, our accent runs
    the best with the also.
    Jody, Jun 28, 2005
  6. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    Yeah, I understand that.... I've been riding rice rockets for 30 years
    now... wouldn't put anything but NGKs or NDs in them..... my FZ1 has NGKs in
    it..... but cars typically aren't quite as finicky. The Fizzer is my baby,
    the car is mostly just my work car. However, my problem wasn't that they
    didn't last as long or my mileage wasn't as good, or maybe the overall
    acceleration wasn't too good.

    The car continuously sputtered and backfired.... i.e., for all intensive
    purposes, it wouldn't run AT ALL..... It simply wasn't driveable.... That's
    what amazed me!
    Blue Flash, Jun 28, 2005
  7. Au contraire, NGK makes very good plugs. They're spec'd as OEM parts on
    most asian vehicles for a reason. Their standard V-Power copper plugs
    are inexpensive (~$1.25 each) and offer outstanding performance within
    their lifespan (~15-30K miles) or you can go with platinum or iridium
    plugs if you want longer life with good performance.
    I agree, but that's apparently not the case.
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 28, 2005
  8. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    Hence, my question wasn't "what's a good plug." Though my experience with
    Champions vs NGKs in my old 2 stroke bikes, I'd say the NGK will last around
    5 to 10 times longer. Significant difference there. I am intimately
    familiar with NGKs. However, I thought about plugs when I wasn't at my
    local NGK retailer, so I bought a "like-in-kind" replacement for the
    originally spec'd plugs.

    My question was what's up with this? I change out a comparable plug with
    the corresponding "equal," and it doesn't run at all. If they just didn't
    last as long, or if my dyno tests showed a 0.005 hp loss, ok... backfires
    and sputtering is a different deal completely, if you follow me there. My
    car didn't come with NGKs, it came with Champion platinums. Apparently NGKs
    weren't spec'd for it.

    As far as price goes, NGKs ARE more expensive. However, I'm not such a
    tightwad that I can't spend an extra .50 to $1per plug... that's not the
    issue. You won't find NGKs around here for 1..25, even the copper
    cores.... The issue IS that the Autolites were the corresponding plug, and
    supposedly of comparable quality to the originals.... and for all intensive
    purposes, it won't RUN AT ALL with the new plugs (yes, I gapped them to spec
    also). Higher performance is irrelevant. ZERO performance is a problem. I
    was just inquiring to see if anybody had experienced the same situation, or
    had an idea what was going on.... kind of a learning thing. I think the
    answer is "No."

    By the way, I tried the "forgot password" on the tech site and finally got
    in... Thanks!
    Blue Flash, Jun 29, 2005
  9. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    try bosch platniums, thats whats in our accent right now.
    seems good , been over 30 000 kms already on them.
    same as you, just werent near a ngk supplier..
    when time comes to replace Im going to use the ngks, do u have any idea what
    the irridium's are like?
    apparentely irridium is from meterorites..
    Jody, Jun 29, 2005
  10. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    For all the bikes I've had (9), all of them ran on NGKs.... and they seemed
    to work really well. I've used NDs as well, and never really could tell a
    difference between them and NGKs. Back in the early 70s when it was 400hp
    V8s, I had just as good of luck with Champions as anything else. I'm not
    sure what my new bike runs, but I know they're NGKs. The current plugs in
    the Hyundai are Champions, and have 60K miles on em. they're pretty burnt,
    but I've only recently seen a drop of a couple mpg .... which is why I'm
    replacing them. the electrodes are getting pretty round... they've run
    their course.

    The iridiums might work a little better for you, but I'd be surprised if you
    really noticed a difference. On my old bikes, I could never tell the
    difference in how a bike ran, and never really could see a difference in
    mileage. For the two strokes, though, the Champions fouled a lot easier,
    and wouldn't last anywhere near as long as an NGK.... That was the big
    difference. If the plugs you're using right now are working well for you,
    I'd stick with them. They're good plugs. You might try the Iridiums and
    see if they last longer... but it sounds like you've got a pretty good plug
    as it is...

    On the other hand, there's the old engineering saying.... It it ain't
    broke, it just doesn't have enough features yet! :)
    Blue Flash, Jun 29, 2005
  11. The bottom line is that the Autolites don't work, so why stress over it?
    Unless you damaged a plug wire during the plug change or something, the
    reason is irrellevent. Get new Champions or NGKs and get the car back on
    the road.
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 29, 2005
  12. The advantage of platinum or iridium plugs is longer life (~60K and
    100K, respectively). NGKs copper core plugs actually perform better, but
    they have a much shorter life. Even if you replace them every 15K,
    they're still cheaper in the long run than either of the higher-end plugs.
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 29, 2005
  13. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    yeah I believe in the if it aint broke don't fix it.
    the only reason ive told you about the ngk's is even on the Hyundai
    connection (or what used to be) the techs mech said to ditch the stock
    champions (and my dealer), unt makes me think then if there no good or good
    for only short times. Hyundai's using the champs because there cheaper I
    guess, just like the shitty tires they come with.

    I've had good luck so far with the bosch.
    I figured how bad could the bosch's be considering the entire management
    systems by bosch, even the speed sensor on the shock tower say bosch on it.
    Jody, Jun 29, 2005
  14. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    Hey! You hit a hot button there!

    With the Michelins, everytime I tried to take off on wet pavement, they
    broke loose like they were on ice... I hated them. Replaced them with
    Pirelli P3000s.... about 1/2 the price and they stick like glue on the wet
    roads... love em! Although the tire cupping problem with the Elantras gets
    attributed a lot to the tires, I ran these same Michelins on a Saturn (2
    sets) for a total of about 145,000 miles (got 205K out of the Saturn). NO
    cupping. I still think its a design flaw in the car, but we'll see how the
    Pirellis wear.... The Michelins still sucked on wet roads, though.

    On the spark plug side, though, the Champions should be fine. Mine went a
    long way. Yes, NGK makes a better product, but then again, will they run
    over 50K miles? I don't know... but I guess I'll find out. You can get
    Champions and Autolites at Wally World as an afterthought (like I did) when
    you're actually shopping for paper towels or something really lame....
    around here, if you want NGKs, it's a special trip to the parts store....
    but I'll be making the special trip. At least I'll know what I'm getting...
    not sure what I got with the Autolites, but it's not good....
    Blue Flash, Jun 29, 2005
  15. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    yeah was aware of that, platnium lasts longer but doesnt conduct
    electricity as well ...
    Jody, Jun 29, 2005
  16. Blue Flash

    Jody Guest

    the tires on our accent cost 19.99 each from walmart, uylsses kh made by
    thyre actually pretty good tires, grip well in snow and wet but they do tend
    to how easily around corners ( so did the tiger paws on if before these)
    just the small size 155 80r13
    after first snow i switch the the blizzaks but i dont care for the high
    speed handling of them, very squirmy ..
    Jody, Jun 29, 2005
  17. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    I looked at some Kuhmos, but all I read was that, although they sounded like
    a good tire, they wore out pretty quickly. I'm not into buying tires often,
    and the Pirellis are supposed to last like the Michellins. I got 90K out of
    the first set of Michelins on the Saturn, and sold it with good tires....
    the second set still going strong.

    The Pirellis only have about 5K on them now, but they still look like new.
    The dry handling on the Pirellis is a little bit less sharp.... has a slight
    soft feel compared to the Michellins, but they're pretty good. When it's
    wet though, there's no comparison. Michellins were about $120/tire, the
    Pirellis were about $60. I expect to get 60K + out of them if the car
    doesn't eat them like the others...
    Blue Flash, Jun 29, 2005
  18. Blue Flash

    Blue Flash Guest

    Thanks for the great advice... sounds like what I said (see previous posts).
    If I had damaged a plug wire, the Old Champions wouldn't work either.

    The bottom line is.... that wasn't my question.... was looking for some
    similar experiences and see if anybody had figured out what was up. If you
    have an answer to the question, that would be cool.... but I really wasn't
    thinking of salvaging the car for a set of bad plugs. I'm not the kind of
    guy that gets great pleasure out of giving money away for parts that don't
    work.... just wanted to know if anybody had any later info on the autolites,
    if this is a relatively common issue, etc. It's the principle.... Like I
    said in the previous post, it sounds like you haven't heard of this
    happening before.... That answer will suffice.

    20 years in physics & engineering has taught me that, if there is a problem,
    it's best to try and see if you can get to the bottom of the problem before
    you fix it and recreate the problem again.... If the answers I've gotten
    here are a reflection on reality, then it must be a fluke.... I may just be
    the rare individual that bought 4 bad plugs. If you'll stop trying to sell
    me NGKs, I might go get some... otherwise, just out of spite, I'll by NDs!
    (hehhe ... just pickin on ya.... ) The answer was obvious from the beginning
    that I would need new plugs.... but as a physicist, I was looking for the
    "why" part of the equation.
    Blue Flash, Jun 29, 2005
  19. I've had good luck with Bosch plugs and wires in general, but these days
    they seem to be more about hype than substance when it comes to their
    plugs. Really, how many electrodes does a spark plug need? One does the
    job just fine.

    I've heard conflicting reports about Bosch plugs in the Elantra, but I
    haven't tried them. When my stock plugs are shot, I'll install NGK
    V-Power copper plugs.
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 29, 2005
  20. What "cupping problem? This is the first I've heard of any generic
    problem with tires on the Elantra. If your tires are cupping, you've got
    an alignment problem that needs to be addressed. Have you had a four
    wheel alignment done by a qualified shop?
    Brian Nystrom, Jun 29, 2005
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