02 Santa Fe door panel removal

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Jim L, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. Jim L

    Jim L Guest

    Any one know of any secrets in taking off the drivers door panel? Removed
    all visable screws and those under plastic caps. I popped out the bottom
    and middle and lift up, but something is still holding on. I need to find
    out why the window refused to move...I hear the relay clicking in the door
    but no glass movement.

    Jim L.
    Jim L, Mar 24, 2007
  2. Jim L

    Jim L Guest

    Ok...got the panel off. The window regulator appears to be stuck. Any
    advice on removing that puppy and can it be changed with the rear door
    regulator of the same side?

    Jim L, Mar 24, 2007
  3. Jim L

    hyundaitech Guest

    Very little goes wrong with these regulators.

    The number one issue is one of the window retaining bolts falling out,
    causing the window to tilt.

    Based on your description, though, I'd suspect the motor may be done.
    Plug the switch back in and and try to lower the window while whacking the
    motor with a wrench. If the window lowers, the problem was the motor. Of
    course, for the nonviolent types, you could simply unplug the motor, and
    check for a 12V differential at the connector when the switch is
    hyundaitech, Mar 27, 2007
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