02 Santa Fe Keyless Programming

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Jim Lofgren, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Jim Lofgren

    Jim Lofgren Guest

    Help, I can't find the switch to reprogram the car for a new keyfob. I took
    off the fuse cover and the larger cover under the steering wheel and it
    doesn't seem to be apparent. Any help would be appreciated.

    Regards, Jim
    Jim Lofgren, Jan 30, 2004
  2. Jim Lofgren

    Jim Lofgren Guest

    I found it!...around the back on the right, upper side of the fuse block.
    Facing out to the passenger side....the ignition key works fine to slide it
    toward the front of the car to "set" the new remote.
    Jim Lofgren, Jan 30, 2004
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