03 Elantra GT howling noise...

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Larry C., Aug 11, 2003.

  1. Larry C.

    Larry C. Guest

    Ok, I had the windshield molding replaced a couple of weeks ago but it
    didn't solve the noise problem. It's starting to drive me crazy. I love
    everything about this car except for the fact that every time I get it up to
    90 mph I have this very loud howling noise that sounds like it's coming from
    the drivers side windshield column. Anyone have any other ideas on how to
    get rid of this noise?
    Larry C., Aug 11, 2003
  2. Larry C.

    kaboom Guest

    **Go slower. Actually, get in the car with the mechanic and go. Have
    him pinpoint it then fix it. This is all covered by the warranty.
    Also, I find that playing my stereo really loud helps get rid of
    annoying sounds. :)

    kaboom, Aug 11, 2003
  3. If the condition still persists, check the A-pillar trim along the
    windshield and/or cowl area where the fender, hood and A-pillar meet for
    possible wind noise.

    From http://www.hmaservice.com/webtech/default.asp

    I've got the same problem with my GT.


    Neil J. Hubbard, Aug 11, 2003
  4. Maybe it's a state trooper in your blind spot trying to get you to pull
    kurtis Harrison, Aug 11, 2003
  5. Larry C.

    theta00k Guest

    What's the part number of this molding?
    theta00k, Aug 11, 2003
  6. How do these ride at 90?

    Our GT is only a few weeks old... don't want to bring it up to 90 yet.
    FloridaSponge, Aug 14, 2003
  7. Larry C.

    Larry C. Guest

    She rides smoothly, all the way up to 105 (that's mph, not kph), except for
    that damn windshield howl. If I could get rid of that then I could tolerate
    cruising at triple digits and finding out what this car is capable of.....
    Larry C., Aug 14, 2003
  8. Larry C.

    Larry C. Guest

    Yeah, I only get around 27 mpg, but I'm ok with that. I traded in a SUV
    that only got 16 mpg to get the Elantra so 27MPG is a huge improvement.

    I've run my 2003 Elantra GLS at 90mph for short stretches on the freeway and
    it felt fine. Fortunately, I don't have a wind noise problem. The gas
    mileage starts to suffer when I drive steadily above 65mph, but that's to be
    expected I guess.
    Larry C., Aug 15, 2003
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