03 Elantra- smoke from AC vents...

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Larry C., Jul 9, 2003.

  1. Larry C.

    Larry C. Guest

    I have an 03 Elantra GT. This morning while driving to work with the air
    conditioning on some white smoke/mist started coming out of the vents. I
    turned off the ac for a few minutes then tried again with the same result.
    It was an odorless white mistlike smoke. Anyone ever seen this? My dealer
    said it was normal and not to worry about it but I'm not so sure.
    Larry C., Jul 9, 2003
  2. It is called "water vapor" and it basically means that your air
    conditioning is VERY VERY COLD.
    Jerry Kindall, Jul 9, 2003
  3. That stuff's just fog. If you set the circulator vent open and let
    humid air into the AC system that's been running, that air will
    cool down and the water vapor will condense before the dehumidifier
    can remove the moisture from the air. It should clear up in a minute
    or two as the moist air is vented out and replaced by dry air.

    David Thompson

    "The humans founded America, mastered the nuclear forces, and destroyed
    the original Mars about thirty thousand years ago."
    "So George Washington was there when they split the atom?"
    "Could have been."

    -from "Triumph of the Terrans", copyright 24L1042
    James D Thompson, Jul 9, 2003
  4. Larry C.

    TR7 Driver Guest

    It is water vapor but it is not a normal condition. If it continues have it
    checked by the dealer's A/C technician. Vapor may indicate a lack of
    refrigerant, a weak compressor, or a minor leak. Those states lead to an
    evaporator that is too cold.

    TR7 Driver, Jul 9, 2003
  5. Larry C.

    James Guest

    Huh? I would think that those situations would lead to not enough cold.
    James, Jul 9, 2003
  6. Larry C.

    Larry C. Guest

    Thanks for the info. It only happened that one time and hasn't repeated
    itself. I think I'll just wait to see if it happens again before I get
    concerned. I must admit that I am very impressed with how good the AC works
    in this little car.
    Larry C., Jul 10, 2003
  7. Larry C.

    TRIKER Guest

    If you live in a very humid area this will happen, nothing to worry about.
    I have an 03 Elantra GT. This morning while driving to work with the air
    conditioning on some white smoke/mist started coming out of the vents. I
    turned off the ac for a few minutes then tried again with the same result.
    It was an odorless white mistlike smoke. Anyone ever seen this? My dealer
    said it was normal and not to worry about it but I'm not so sure.
    TRIKER, Jul 10, 2003
  8. Larry C.

    Jknomail Guest

    If you live in a very humid area this will happen, nothing to worry about.

    Yep. I've seen it many times. I live in South Florida, where it's hot and very
    humid, especially in the summer months. Kinda alarming the first time you see
    it, but nothing to worry about.

    Bass Wishes from South Florida

    Reply by email to k a z e e jk at ay-oh-well dot com.
    Just remove the spaces, fix the last part, and so on.
    Jknomail, Jul 10, 2003
  9. Larry C.

    Trust_no1 Guest

    it is NOT normal.....this fog is dried ice coming from vents, mostly lower
    usually happens when drain pipe is broken/clogged, because water remains
    into a/c evaporator and freezes.
    let the car be checked by dealer.

    ciao, Trust_no1
    Trust_no1, Jul 12, 2003
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