05 Sonata GL

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Rufus Frodo, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Rufus Frodo

    Rufus Frodo Guest

    Have an '05 Sonata Gl........(love it) have 97K miles (mine) dealer not
    much help in info.....it has an acess in tray for 115 W 12 V. ...no he
    cigarette lighter port.....Hyundai website does not have any help....WHAT
    would need 115 Watts of juice....besides a police size spotlight.???
    Rufus Frodo, Sep 8, 2007
  2. Rufus Frodo

    hyundaitech Guest

    That limits you to 10A. The idea is to have enough power available to run
    most items that would be plugged into a cigarette lighter. For example,
    my last laptop (huge) had a lighter adaptor. 10A would probably be just
    enough to keep it running.

    I'm not sure what the real question is, though. I don't think you posted
    just to know what would use 115W.
    hyundaitech, Sep 9, 2007
  3. Rufus Frodo

    Paradox Guest

    115W sounds like alot, since your average lightbulb uses 60 watts.

    But everyone forgets that car's run at 12 volts, instead of 120 like indoor
    wiring, so the 60 watt bulb is only using .5 amps.

    Paradox, Sep 13, 2007
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