06 Sonata Washer

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Rob, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    My first problem with my 06 LX Sonata. My windshield washer stopped working,
    I checked the fuse, it was ok. Where is the pump at? I can not find it
    anywhere. I traced the water lines into the hood but that's as far as I can
    find them.

    Rob, Nov 5, 2006
  2. Rob

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I can't speak for the Sonata as I haven't looked for my washer pump yet,
    but my minivan has the pump on the bottom of the reservoir bottle.
    You have to crawl under the van to see it as it is between the wheel
    well and the under bumper air deflector. I'd try to find the bottom of
    the Sonata reservoir and see if it might be there.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 5, 2006
  3. Rob

    Mike Marlow Guest

    It's an '06 - it's under warranty. Just take it to the dealer.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 5, 2006
  4. Rob

    nevejl1 Guest

    In <8eae3$454dc4fe$45289638$>, on
    at 06:03 AM, "Mike Marlow" <>

    And they'll most likely tell you its a class problem.
    nevejl1, Nov 5, 2006
  5. Rob

    pdp11 Guest

    We just experienced the same problem on our '06 Sonata. The car will be
    due for an oil change soon so we'll have the dealer check out the
    windshield washer when we go in for that.
    pdp11, Nov 5, 2006
  6. Rob

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Mike Marlow, Nov 6, 2006
  7. We had the exact same thing happened. A bit of a downer as it was the
    first "unexpected" to come along. I checked what connections I could,
    and since it was due for oil change in a short while decided to wait.
    Week later or so, just upped and came right back on, and worked fine
    ever since. Don't ask me and I'm not superstitous, but go
    figure.............Doc Rob
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Nov 6, 2006
  8. Rob

    Shaman Guest

    Same thing here, washer been off duty one day, reservoir full of windshield
    washer, next day been fixed by itself... Are we in the twilight

    Shaman, Nov 6, 2006
  9. Yep, went a bit longer but reservoir fill etc.. I wondered if anybody
    else would respond, could this indicate a system issue then. Wonder if
    a temp blockage was the issue as opposed to pump/connections. Perhaps
    this is happening more than we know? If not conncetions is the system
    designed so blockages are more apt to occur? I'll bring it with the
    dealer next time in. Was the Hyundai plant built on some ancient
    burial site. Doo doo, Doo, doo doo, "you have now entered
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Nov 6, 2006
  10. Yep, went a bit longer but reservoir fill etc.. I wondered if anybody
    else would respond, could this indicate a system issue then. Wonder if
    a temp blockage was the issue as opposed to pump/connections. Perhaps
    this is happening more than we know? If not conncetions is the system
    designed so blockages are more apt to occur? I'll bring it with the
    dealer next time in. Was the Hyundai plant built on some ancient
    burial site. Doo doo, Doo, doo doo, "you have now entered
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Nov 6, 2006
  11. Rob

    Rob Guest

    Took mine to dealer today. I asked if it was a "common" problem, he said
    "somewhat" also said most problems are clogged lines. Mine made no pump
    motor noise so
    I knew it was not pumping. They replaced pump assembly...$41 under warranty.

    Rob, Nov 6, 2006
  12. Rob

    hyundaitech Guest

    I've seen a couple with bad pumps. No wiring problems yet. If your wipers
    sweep when you activate the pump, you've already eliminated the switch and
    some of the wiring, as well as most of the entire power side of the
    circuit. If the pump doesn't run, that eliminates the clog idea.

    The bad news is that every so often, Hyundai gets a batch of bad parts.
    The good news is that when they figure out they've got an issue, they
    adress it. And trust me, that is almost always faster than five people
    coming together on usenet figuring out they've all had the same problem.
    hyundaitech, Nov 7, 2006
  13. Your contributions have always been appreciated as you know, here on
    this forum. But bare in mind that 5 people on a usenet forum don't
    perhaps have daily access to Hyundai technology, service bulletins, and
    more often than not, the time to run down to the dealer on "some"
    non-critical issues (speed aside). Therefore this forum often becomes
    a precursor for the next level of action that many (most here) humble
    Usenet folks use. Hyundai has been good to us (my family) so far and
    this forum and your contributions go a great distance in helping us
    make those decisions.......................Doc
    Dr.Colon.Oscopy, Nov 7, 2006
  14. Rob

    hyundaitech Guest

    I apologize if I came off harshly, good doctor. This is definitely the
    place that you *should* adress these issues. My intent was simply to
    point out that by the time the discussions are made here about a common
    problem, the factory has typically learned about and begun addressing the
    problem. For example, I'd be very surprised if Hyundai hasn't
    investigated and found the common problem with the washer pumps.

    Your presence and that of the others who've contributed to this and other
    threads is greatly appreciated, too. Every so often, I learn something
    from you guys.
    hyundaitech, Nov 7, 2006
  15. Rob

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I haven't seen any action yet on the senstive throttle issue and that
    has been mentioned several times here as well as in at least two road
    tests that I've read in the year since I bought my Sonata. It is the
    single most annoying thing about my car.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 7, 2006
  16. Rob

    Eric G. Guest

    Here ya go HT: Tighty righty, lefty loosey!! :)

    Eric G., Nov 7, 2006
  17. Rob

    DaToteman Guest

    Well from what I understand the VW GTI has a similar / same issue with the
    fly by wire throttle. One of the guys at work has one and says it is because
    of no mechanical linkage at all.
    DaToteman, Nov 8, 2006
  18. Rob

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Reply to message from "Shaman" <> (Mon,
    06 Nov 2006 06:59:09) about "Re: 06 Sonata Washer":

    S> Same thing here, washer been off duty one day, reservoir full of
    S> windshield washer, next day been fixed by itself...
    S> Are we in the twilight zone???!!!???

    Maybe the newer Hyundais have flaky electrics, like the German cars of the
    not-too-distant past. See my post on come- and-go intermittent wipers.

    Best Regards
    Wayne Moses <> Tue, 07 Nov 2006 19:29:18 -0600

    === Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader
    Wayne Moses, Nov 8, 2006
  19. Rob

    wolfcub27540 Guest

    Re: 06 Sonata Washer
    by "hyundaitech" <> Nov 6, 2006 at 07:25 PM

    I've seen a couple with bad pumps. No wiring problems yet. If your
    sweep when you activate the pump, you've already eliminated the switch
    some of the wiring, as well as most of the entire power side of the
    circuit. If the pump doesn't run, that eliminates the clog idea.

    The bad news is that every so often, Hyundai gets a batch of bad parts.
    The good news is that when they figure out they've got an issue, they
    adress it. And trust me, that is almost always faster than five people
    coming together on usenet figuring out they've all had the same problem.

    Too bad this does not apply for all cases or maybe they would have
    addressed the engine whine instead of making me go to a hearing on the
    matter. I have to say I am very disappointed in Hyundai in thier attitude
    on this.
    wolfcub27540, Nov 8, 2006
  20. Rob

    cableguy3 Guest

    Eric G. - think you meant to say "Righty Tighty"

    See? We can all learn something:)
    cableguy3, Nov 11, 2006
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