I found the Cargo Tray and Cargo net w/ shipping $30 cheaper at [URL]http://hyundaipartspeople.com[/URL] than at [URL]http://hyundaiaccessorystore.com[/URL]. The thing is that the items at partspeople.com are advertised for the '08 Sonata. They have nothing for the '09's online yet while hyundaiaccessorystore.com shows the '09 Cargo Tray. "tray"? It appears it's just a rubber "mat" actually.. Please, does anyone know for sure if the trunk sizes and configurations are the same between the '08 and '09? tks. Links for comparison. The '08 does appear to have a different look, but size and config are what's important. [URL]http://www.hyundaiaccessorystore.com/2006_Sonata_Cargo_Tray.html[/URL] [URL]http://hyundaipartspeople.com/SearchProduct.asp?Model=Sonata&catid=3405329460349971&year=08&productdesc=Cargo+Tray[/URL]