2000 Accent 4 door

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by pookeybrain, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. pookeybrain

    pookeybrain Guest

    Just for the record, I proved today it's physically impossible to get a 19"
    Samtron monitor inside the car without taking it out of the box first.

    Oh well, I left the box in the cart at Sam's club to let the guys there
    throw it away. Just one less thing to have to put out in the trash.
    pookeybrain, Feb 19, 2004
  2. pookeybrain

    kaboom Guest

    **LOL! Hmmm, well, I proved it was impossible to get a boxed 25"
    Samsung into a 93 Grand Am (backseat or trunk). Sadly, before I could
    ditch the box on Best Buy, the guy crushed it, folded it and stuck it
    in my trunk...where it expanded :-/ With the Jetta I have now, I
    foresee borrowing somebody's minivan or SUV if my TV buys the farm. :)

    kaboom, Feb 19, 2004
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