2000 accent

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Domscomp, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. Domscomp

    Domscomp Guest

    Need a little help with this one. My Accent will not start at all. The engine
    turns over and I have checked to make sure that it is firing. (It is) . It has
    109,000 miles on it and within the last 10,000 miles has had the trans worked
    on and a new timing belt installed. I'm thinking it is the fuel pump and
    filter. The only place that I can get one is at the Hyundai dealership. Does
    anyone here know what else I could check before spending about $200.00 in parts
    to fix this problem?

    I've already found the access panel to the fuel tank under the rear seat. If
    anyone has an answer please email it to me a I don't know
    when I'll be back here to view any of the responses. Thanks.
    Domscomp, Sep 14, 2003
  2. Domscomp

    seahorse25 Guest

    Can you hear the fuel pump run?

    seahorse25, Sep 15, 2003
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