2000 Sonata fuel control

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Jalen, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Jalen

    Jalen Guest

    After a LOT of different opinions and work, going on months now, after
    having the head pulled twice and all sorts of excitement, the car now
    runs (sort of). I took it back finally and decided to check into it

    The injectors on cylinders 1 and 3 are wide open. 2 and 4 seem to be
    cycling normally. If I disconnect 1 and 3, the engine runs just as
    you'd expect with two dead cylinders. When they're reconnected, it
    runs very rough, and I suppose that's why they were convinced it was a
    timing problem intially. Swapping the injectors around makes no
    difference, it's not a mechanical problem with them, and from what I
    could trace by sight, it looks like there're two wire pairs, but for
    1-2 and 3-4, so why one of each pair?

    This thing's been through dealership mechanics and another shop, both
    of which pulled the head, so it's very possible that something's
    either not connected or not connected properly, or the entire problem
    was with a module. I just don't want to deal with any of these
    "professionals" now if I can help it.
    Jalen, Oct 24, 2005
  2. Jalen

    hyundaitech Guest

    What DTC's do you have? I'm presuming you have some.
    hyundaitech, Oct 24, 2005
  3. Jalen

    Jalen Guest

    No check engine light or anything, I'll check anyway though.
    Jalen, Oct 25, 2005
  4. Jalen

    hyundaitech Guest

    What symptoms do you have?
    hyundaitech, Oct 25, 2005
  5. Jalen

    hyundaitech Guest

    Sorry. Definitely a brain fart here. I forgot the content of your
    original post and was too lazy too look at it. Did you run a test that
    positively confirms the injectors are open or are you basing this
    conclusion on how the engine is running? Do you know what a noid light
    is, and if so, do you have one?
    hyundaitech, Oct 26, 2005
  6. Jalen

    Jalen Guest

    Just checking the voltage, it varies as expected while disconnected, but
    once connected to the injector it runs a steady 12v. I got an ECM from
    a wrecking yard, and it then had three working cylinders. I assume that
    it's the ECM at this point, though I returned the almost-functional one.
    Apparently those aren't rebuilt by anyone I could locate, over $600
    shipped from Korea.
    Jalen, Nov 3, 2005
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