2001 Accent rear defroster problem

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Plague Boy, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Plague Boy

    Plague Boy Guest

    My friend's 2001 Accent has an inoperative rear defroster. I
    checked the fuse a while back and it seemed to be OK.

    He's bringing over this weekend so I'd like to fix it for him. I
    have fuses, voltmeters etc so I'd just like to know what to
    check. I don't have a shop manual for the car.

    Since everything else works, I presume I can rule out
    battery/alternator/ignition switch type problems.

    Which leaves:



    Defrost element

    assorted wires, connectors and grounds

    Would there be an electronic timer module to turn the defroster
    off? Where would it be and what would it look like?

    Any information to speed up resolution would be appreciated.

    Plague Boy, Oct 30, 2007
  2. Plague Boy

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Sure you do. Just go out to hmaservice.com and sign up for a free account.
    Use IE as the site does not support Mozilla or any other browser but IE.
    You'll have to download the adobe SGA viewer but there is a link under the
    required software section.

    After that, you've got your shop manual at your fingertips.
    Mike Marlow, Oct 30, 2007
  3. Plague Boy

    hyundaitech Guest

    Don't discount the alternator just yet. The electronic timer module
    (ETACM) monitors system voltage. If it's too low, it won't turn on the
    defogger because it presumes the car isn't running. I don't recall ever
    seeing this issue, but it's a possibility.
    hyundaitech, Oct 30, 2007
  4. Plague Boy

    Plague Boy Guest

    Thank you, HT and Mike. I downloaded the info on the defroster.
    Unfortunately, it got cold and dark by the time I finished with
    the oil change. I have ascertained:

    1. the alternator seems to be putting out 13.5 volts +-

    2. The defroster switch illuminates when the tail lights are
    turned on.

    3. There is a click from under the dashboard when the switch is
    depressed, and a slightly different click when it is depressed again.

    4. What I presume is an "on" indicator light built into the
    switch does NOT illuminate.

    I'll have to see if I can find the whole wiring diagram online
    at work tomorrow, since I'm using Firefox on a Mac here. I'm
    guessing the switch and defroster are OK, and the fault is in
    whatever powers the defroster and the indicator light.

    Sorry, I'm not usually this half-assed, but everything is going
    to heck right now!

    Plague Boy, Nov 6, 2007
  5. Plague Boy

    hyundaitech Guest

    We're probably safe to presume that the indicator is out for the same
    reason the defogger isn't working. The click indicates that the relay
    inside the timer is opening and closing (although not necessarily making
    electrical contact).

    Check first fuse #9 (20A, left side bottom of interior fuse box). It's
    the most likely culprit. If okay, then you'll need to check the wiring
    between the fuse and the timer or relay, and then whether there's power
    coming out of the timer or relay.

    Looking at the schematic, I see there are two different systems-- one with
    a defogger timer with a built-in relay, and another with an ETACM with an
    external relay. If my suspicions are correct, all U.S. models have the
    hyundaitech, Nov 12, 2007
  6. Plague Boy

    Plague Boy Guest

    hyundaitech wrote:

    Thanks. I'll see if I can get him to bring it back. I just
    destroyed the distributor in my Nissan (waah!) so I'll be staying
    home when I'm not at work :-(

    Plague Boy, Nov 13, 2007
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