2001 Sonata Speedometer/Odometer Assembly

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Doron Levy, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. Doron Levy

    Doron Levy Guest

    I know I asked about this a little while back but I'm just refreshing my
    request to see if anyone has any experience with replacing the
    speedometer/odometer assembly. For some reason the bulbs in the back of the
    dash have caused a burn to appear on the odometer and speedometer face. My
    Sonata is a 2001 GL 4cyl and it has a mechanical odometer (not digital). In
    Canada we only have a 3 year warranty so I'd like to do the repair myself
    since it is a lease and I'm sure the leasing company will blame me for it.

    Any info would be appreciated.

    Doron Levy, Sep 5, 2004
  2. Doron Levy

    hyundaitech Guest

    You could probably get a used speedometer, take your speedometer out of the
    cluster, gently pull the needles off both, and swap the faces. I'd try
    this with the used one first to see whether it will come off.
    hyundaitech, Sep 7, 2004
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