2001 Sonata trouble codes

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by anhunt, Sep 25, 2005.

  1. anhunt

    anhunt Guest

    I have experienced some problems with my '01 Sonata auto trans. The
    problem is very erratic and comes and goes. When traveling at highway
    speed, the trans will downshift from 4th to 3rd gear and the "check
    engine" light will glow. Once you pull over and kill the ingition,
    restart, and begin travel again all is fine for a while. I have reset the
    computer by disconnnecting the battery and this helped for a while.
    Recently the problem became more persistent, so I had it coded. The codes
    I got were "P1529", and "P154 pending". Has anyone had similar experiences
    and can anyone tell me what these codes mean?
    anhunt, Sep 25, 2005
  2. anhunt

    hyundaitech Guest

    P1529 is a request for the check engine lamp from the TCM (transmission
    control module).

    P0154 is a code relating to the front bank upstream oxygen sensor. Check
    to see if recall V01 has been done on your vehicle. If not, have it done.
    If so, you'll need to replace that oxygen sensor.

    But that's not causing the problem you describe. You'll need to have your
    car checked by someone who can read the codes in the transmission computer.
    Don't disconnect the battery until that has been done!
    hyundaitech, Sep 27, 2005
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