2001Sonata Speedometer/Odometer Assembly

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Doron Levy, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. Doron Levy

    Doron Levy Guest

    I know I asked about this a little while back but I'm just refreshing my
    request to see if anyone has any experience with replacing the
    speedometer/odometer assembly. For some reason the bulbs in the back of the
    dash have caused a burn to appear on the odometer and speedometer face. My
    Sonata is a 2001 GL 4cyl and it has a mechanical odometer (not digital). In
    Canada we only have a 3 year warranty so I'd like to do the repair myself
    since it is a lease and I'm sure the leasing company will blame me for it.

    Any info would be appreciated.

    Doron Levy, Sep 5, 2004
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