2002 Accent headlight bulb change

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Joseph Pine, May 6, 2007.

  1. Joseph Pine

    Joseph Pine Guest

    Trying to do the above. Manual says to first unplug the electrical
    connector, but it doesn't budge. I don't want to force it, not sure I'm
    doing this right. Any suggestions? Thank you.
    Joseph Pine, May 6, 2007
  2. Joseph Pine

    hyundaitech Guest

    There's a locking retainer on the connector. It needs to be depressed to
    release the lock. If you cannot feel around and find it, try pulling the
    rubber boot back, unclipping the bulb, and pulling the whole thing out
    where you can maneuver it.
    hyundaitech, May 8, 2007
  3. Joseph Pine

    Joseph Pine Guest

    Thank you for your reply! I'll try this later...
    Joseph Pine, May 11, 2007
  4. Joseph Pine

    Joseph Pine Guest

    Finally got around to doing this....I wasn't able to unplug the electrical
    connector first, so I ended up doing what you suggested.

    In case anyone else needs to change their bulb, you unlock the connector by
    depressing the plug on both sides at once, where your thumb & index finger
    might naturally grasp it.

    Thanks again, hyundaitech!
    Joseph Pine, Jun 2, 2007
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