2002 Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Markov, May 13, 2007.

  1. Markov

    Markov Guest

    I am looking to buy a 2002 Sonata. Are they cars reliable. Anything specific
    to look for when buying a used 2002 sonata. What are the troubles spots. Any
    help or suggestion would be appreciated.
    Markov, May 13, 2007
  2. I am looking to buy a 2002 Sonata. Are they cars reliable. Anything specific
    I've had my '02 GLS for 5+ years with zero problems. If you keep on
    the regular schedule of maintenance it'll last a long time. If it's
    got more than 65000, make sure the timing belt has been changed and
    there is PROOF of it. Other than that, I'd suggest getting the
    maintenance records on it from the owner to make sure regular
    maintenance has been done: trans flush, etc.

    - Thee Chicago Wolf
    Thee Chicago Wolf, May 13, 2007
  3. Markov

    hyundaitech Guest

    In my opinion, the V6 much more durable that the four. By 2002, most of
    the nagging design problems (other than those inherent in the 2.4L four
    cylinder engine) had already been worked out. The only thing I can
    remember that's been a recurring problem is the power window regulators.
    But that's only a small issue, and the new regulators are redesigned, so
    they shouldn't fail prematurely.
    hyundaitech, May 15, 2007
  4. Markov

    Bryan Guest

    I have a 2002 4cyl Sonata 162kmiles. Had it since 34 miles new.

    I've replaced all door window regulators, apart from the drivers side
    rear window regulator.

    Make sure you have proof Timing belt has been changed.

    I get 28 to 32 MPG, all highway driving 110 miles per work day.

    Hoping to get lots more miles:)

    Bryan, May 17, 2007
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