2003 hyundai accent rear window regulator

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by The Gilkies, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. The Gilkies

    The Gilkies Guest

    the right rear power window is making a chattering noise when going up or
    is this the motor or regulator getting ready to quit?
    what year hyundai accent power window motor/regulator assemblys will fit the
    2003 accent.
    thanks in advance
    The Gilkies, Feb 19, 2009
  2. The Gilkies

    hyundaitech Guest

    Hard to say without hearing the noise. Maybe still hard to say then.
    You'll probably need someone knowledgeable to investigate in person.
    May be nothing more than the window sticking in the rubber window run.
    hyundaitech, Feb 21, 2009
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