2003 Santa Fe grab handle removal

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by kevin, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. kevin

    kevin Guest

    I managed to break off the forward attachment of the passenger-side
    grab handle above the door on our 2003 SF. I have been shoving the
    broken strap-end back into its attachment point but then I forget and
    grab for the handle when I get into the car causing severe cursing when
    it pulls off. I think the smart thing to do is take the handle off
    until I can get it into the shop. I don't want to do that by breaking
    the good (rear) end; is it possible to remove it without removing
    panels? If so, how?
    kevin, Dec 30, 2005
  2. kevin

    hyundaitech Guest

    I believe there's a little cover on either end of the handle with a screw
    behind each one.
    hyundaitech, Dec 30, 2005
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