2003 Sonata radio lamp replacement

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Always Right, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Always Right

    Always Right Guest

    Have 2003 Sonata with one of the lamps burned out in the frequency display
    of the radio. Anyone know the number of the lamp to purchase for
    Thanks, Bob J.
    Always Right, Jan 18, 2010
  2. Always Right

    hyundaitech Guest

    Hyundai offers no service lamps for this as they're soldered in
    place. You may be able to get this repaired at an electronics repair
    hyundaitech, Jan 24, 2010
  3. Always Right

    John Guest

    It would not be a lamp but a small fluorescent screen. It would cost more to
    remove/replace and fix it it than buying an entirely new stereo. Assuming
    you could buy the part which I doubt. Anything these days less than $200 is
    a throw away.
    Shame, but thats the way it is.
    John, Jan 30, 2010
  4. Always Right

    hyundaitech Guest

    The screen is illuminated by a small bulb. To my knowledge, that's
    what the OP is referring to.
    hyundaitech, Feb 7, 2010
  5. Always Right

    Always Right Guest

    Remove radio yesterday and took off the front panel of radio and on pc board
    there are two white plastic lamp guides, each containing a small 12 volt
    "grain of wheat" mini lamp. Unsoldered two leads, exchange the green plastic
    covers from the old lamps to new lamps and resoldered them to pc board.
    Reassembled and reinstalled radio in vehicle. Took abut 45 minutes for the
    whole job. Works like new.
    Bob J.

    Hyundai offers no service lamps for this as they're soldered in
    place. You may be able to get this repaired at an electronics repair
    Always Right, Mar 2, 2010
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