2003 Tiburon Door Locks

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by rob, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. rob

    rob Guest

    Has anyone else experienced this problem....

    A few time this year my drivers side door (of my '03 Tiburon SE) will not
    unlock, The key rotates counter clockwise in the door lock (to lock) but
    not clockwise (to unlock). The remote locks & unlocks the passenger side no
    problem but not the drivers side. The lock latch inside the car wont move
    The problem sometimes goes away when I start up the car, but not lately
    (this problem doesn't seem to be connected to the weather or temperature).

    It doesn't seem to be broken- it seems like it is a logic/electronic lock

    Can anyone help??
    rob, Jun 4, 2004
  2. rob

    hyundaitech Guest

    The power actuator is likely seized. Take it to the dealer and let them
    fix it. I've done a couple of these.
    hyundaitech, Jun 4, 2004
  3. rob

    Falcon-A Guest

    I had the same problem, take it back to the dealer it's a warranty
    Falcon-A, Aug 1, 2004
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