2003 Tiburon - no spark

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by Guest, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I have a 2003 tiburon that is getting no spark. The sensor fuse in the
    engine compartment fuse box keeps blowing immediatly when i try to start, so
    i suspect
    that it is causing the no spark condition. Using hyundai's interactive
    schematic index i see the engine compartment sensor fuse controls the
    Canister close valve directly and also the canister purge, MAF, TPS, Cam and
    Crank position sensor as well as the idle speed control. I am assuming one
    has a short or has gone bad.
    I will be getting a code scanner in a few days so hopefully it will indicate
    which one has the problem. My question is has anyone had one of these fail
    causing a no spark condition. I am leaning towards the canster close valve
    or purge, because i think the others would let it start, but it would just
    run bad. Any help is apprecaited.

    Thanks in advance
    Guest, Feb 19, 2006
  2. Guest

    Bob Guest

    A scan tool won't help. You've already located the problem - an apparent
    short on the power source for several critical devices. The cam and crank
    position sensors are what tells the ecm when to fire which coil. You need to
    find what's blowing the fuse. The likely place to start is to find C42 /
    C142 (you don't say which engine), and open up the pins leaving it, and look
    at which device has the short on it's power supply lead. Use a meter, don't
    keep putting fuses in it. You might also look at the resistance to ground on
    the downstream side of the fuse. Start disconnecting things like the TPS, O2
    sensors, etc., and see what makes the short go away.
    Bob, Feb 20, 2006
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for eveyones help, it really helped me out. I tracked it down to the
    oxygen sensor. The wire was pinched right were it goes into the sensor.
    I did blow the fuse in my mutlimeter also, like some of you warned. LOL
    but i will trade the 1.29 fuse for the money the dealer would have charged
    tracking it down.
    Thanks again.
    Guest, Feb 22, 2006
  4. Guest

    nothermark Guest

    good work!
    nothermark, Feb 23, 2006
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