2005 Santa Fe with noise

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by coco, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. coco

    coco Guest

    I have a 2005 Santa Fe with 2564 miles. Engine is 2.7 with auto. I
    have abnormal noise/sound from engine compartment. ONLY under power
    and IN GEAR. I can be going up a grade and noise will be there. Take
    it out of gear and put it in neutral and apply gas and noise is NOT
    there. Put it back in gear (any gear this takes place) and noise is
    there. NO heater, A/C, radio running. Weather conditions not factor.
    Windows moonroof closed. Brought new and noise not there when new. Of
    course Service Manager says that is normal. Thanks for any help :(
    coco, Oct 15, 2005
  2. coco

    Jody Guest

    what kind of noise???
    Jody, Oct 15, 2005
  3. Describe the noise very specifically ; is it a whir, a knock, a hiss, a
    clicking, a vibration, high pitched/low pitched,etc ??

    Have you tried this : Have a driver sit in the suv with trans. in
    Drive, parking brake on, foot on the brake pedal, and chocks in front
    of the wheels ...and as the driver gives it bit of gas... you stand to
    the side of the car with the hood open and listen .
    Dave in Lake Villa, Oct 16, 2005
  4. coco

    Gordo Guest

    Yeah, what kind of noise. If its like marbles in a can, it is pre-ignition.
    Get some better gas or retard the timing at touch.

    Gordo, Oct 16, 2005
  5. coco

    Gordo Guest

    Set up the video camera for this one, this could be one of those "me and my
    brother-in-law tried this once" moments. LOL :)
    But may be a good way to try and isolate area of noise.
    Gordo, Oct 16, 2005
  6. Set up the video camera for this one, this could be one of those "me and
    my brother-in-law tried this once" moments.   LOL :)
      But may be a good way to try and isolate area of noise.
    Describe the noise very specifically ; is it a whir, a knock, a hiss, a
    clicking, a vibration, high pitched/low pitched,etc ??
    Have you tried this : Have a driver sit in the suv with trans. in Drive,
    parking brake on, foot on the brake pedal, and chocks in front of the
    wheels ...and as the driver gives it   bit of gas... you stand to the
    side of the car with the hood open and listen .

    REPLY: The O.P. did this , and he emailed me. He said the noise
    occured. Theres nothing wrong with doing it this way, so long as safety
    is considered above all else.
    Dave in Lake Villa, Oct 17, 2005
  7. coco

    Gordo Guest

    No offense intended, Dave. You did specify good safety precautions.

    It just brings me back to some of my own ill conceived and hair brained
    schemes or watching my Dad "troubleshoot" equipment over the years. He woke
    up once lying beside his pickup in the snow! The tow rope broke, snapped
    back, caught him on the top of his head as he poked it outside and around
    the open drivers door. Big welt, big headache, and big laughs. Course how
    many times have we had our nuckles whacked by the fan, or picked up a good
    shock from the plug wires.

    didn't mean to hijack coco's thread.

    Gordo, Oct 17, 2005
  8. Theres nothing like getting your Timing Light cord in the fan as your
    checking Timing on an engine ; all of a sudden everything leaves your
    hands in a hurry and youre left holding nothing !
    Dave in Lake Villa, Oct 19, 2005
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