2007 Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Irwin Opper, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. Irwin Opper

    Irwin Opper Guest

    Hi All,
    The right side sun visor on my 2007 sonata doesn't stay up.
    Is there any way I could fix it without going to the dealer.
    Also the light doesn't go on when you open the mirror.

    Thanks for any input.

    Irwin Opper
    Irwin Opper, Oct 27, 2007
  2. Irwin Opper

    hyundaitech Guest

    Visor needs to be replaced. Dealer only.

    As for the lamp, are your parking lights on? Most Hyundai visor lamps
    linked to the parking lamp circuit.
    hyundaitech, Oct 27, 2007
  3. Irwin Opper

    DonC Guest

    Why not go to the dealer? Isn't the car still under warranty?
    DonC, Oct 27, 2007
  4. Irwin Opper

    Irwin Opper Guest

    Thank you for your advice. I'll take the car to the dealer on the next oil
    Irwin Opper
    Irwin Opper, Oct 27, 2007
  5. Irwin Opper

    qcmike6454 Guest

    yes mr opper,first you must listen to me very carefully sir ,this is
    michael j maniscalco from new jersey ,i want to say sir i miss you and
    faith very much,hope all is well with faith and the
    family,secoundly,contact the dealer ship service manager and speak
    with him about this on the phone,maybe hyundai is aware of this due to
    a technical service bulletin ,have him research this before you go
    down ,after all the only info he may need is the mileage ,since you
    did but the vehicle there ,let me know how you make out ,please ,love
    qcmike6454, Dec 11, 2007
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