2007Tucson ABS pump assembly

Discussion in 'Hyundai Tucson' started by Zip, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Zip


    Sep 8, 2021
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    My ABS pump went bad and locked my brakes up. Barely made it home. Ruined the caliper.. Can't find a replacement part M4 30. Called the dealer. He quoted me a price of $3,638.00. The entire car didn't cost that much. Apparently they don't make them anymore. Searched on the internet found one for $155. Ordered it. A day later the seller sent me an email said he was canceling the order because when they tested the part it was bad. Went to the Pick and pull wrecking yard. Pulled one off a KIA for $78. Took it to the shop. They said it was bad. Back to square one. I'm at my wits end.
    Does anybody know where I can get a good M4 30 ABS brake pump assembly for a 2 wheel drive 6 cyl Hyundai Tucson? It must be tested and certified.

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    Zip, Sep 9, 2021
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