245/70R16's will fit SantaFe's (just a heads up)

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by Dave in Lake Villa, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. Standard for the 2002 SantaFe is 225/70R16's . I had them changed out
    yesterday for 60,000 mile Cooper Brand Discoverer H/T tires and went up
    two sizes to : 245's . They dont rub or hit anything . The difference
    in handling and cornering is very substantial . In addition, it fills up
    a bit more of the wheelwells and looks better imho. These new tires are
    incredibly quiet and makes the ride so much more enjoyable over the
    factory LongTrail tires. Had Pep Boys do the work -- the tires ran $110

    Just a heads up.

    Featured Best Seller Book : "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist"
    (a fair appraisal of what Atheists DO believe in for their worldview).
    Dave in Lake Villa, Sep 24, 2006
  2. Dave in Lake Villa

    hyundaitech Guest

    And your speedometer and odometer are now reading incorrectly.
    Technically, you could have just voided your warranty simply due to the
    odometer issue.
    hyundaitech, Sep 25, 2006
  3. I dont care at all about the speedometer as it is minimally affected.
    As for the odometer , it is affected at about 1 percent for the life of
    the tires ; further, i doubt ill have the car for the entire warranty

    Featured Best Seller Book : "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist"
    (a fair appraisal of what Atheists DO believe in for their worldview).
    Dave in Lake Villa, Sep 26, 2006
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