94 excel X3

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by john.w.hughes, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. We have a 94 X3 that has trouble starting. Whether hot or cold if it
    doesn't start first time it can take up to an hour to get it to fire.
    There is plenty of spark, and when it does fire up it blows out smoke
    that is almost pure fuel. It also flares the throtle up to about 3000
    rpm when at a set of lights after the hard start.
    Have been told it isnt the airflow meter of the O2 sensor.
    also have a friend with the same car and his started doing it at about
    the same milage....220000kms
    john.w.hughes, Mar 3, 2007
  2. john.w.hughes

    hyundaitech Guest

    You should probably check your coolant temperature sensor. If it's
    too cold a temperature, the ECM will overenrichen the fuel mixture.
    hyundaitech, Mar 3, 2007
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