97 Hyundai Elantra Starting problem

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by mikeyboy, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. mikeyboy

    mikeyboy Guest

    My girl's 97 elantra has had a starting problem for about a year now. we've
    taken it to mechanics and they really haven't been able to pin point it.
    fuel pump, spark plugs and wires have been replaced. Seems to have more
    trouble starting in the warmer weather. The starter isn't the problem
    though cuz that thing will crank for ever the car just won't turn over.
    mikeyboy, Jun 2, 2005
  2. mikeyboy

    Andy S Guest

    Check the battery, battery posts for corrosion, wires for tightness.
    Just a side note look at joining this group of fine elantra owners.
    http://elantragtclub.tripod.com/elantra/id7.html Geared toward the Elantra
    and GLS
    Andy S, Jun 2, 2005
  3. mikeyboy

    hyundaitech Guest

    If it cranks normally, it won't be anything related to battery/alternator.
    Does it crank normally or slowly?

    Do you have a check engine lamp? Actually, even if you don't, it's
    probably a good idea to scan for trouble codes.

    What you describe is characteristic of a crank sensor, coolant temp
    sensor, or MFI relay intermittent failure.

    I've also heard of a couple cases where there's poor contact on the ECM.
    While I haven't personally experienced this on Hyundai, I've worked on a
    couple Kias where they were fixed just by unplugging and reconnecting the
    hyundaitech, Jun 2, 2005
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