98 Hyundai Accent GS Hatchback check engine light

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Rickey, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. Rickey

    Rickey Guest

    I was on I-95 one night and I was in a hurry to get home and was speeding and
    almost reached about 90 mph when my check engine light came on and started
    flashing. I parked it and about two days later it went off what is the
    Rickey, Feb 15, 2006
  2. Rickey

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Well it's obvious - the check engine light came on. Now do that - take it
    to a garage and get it checked.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 15, 2006
  3. Rickey

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Abusive driving.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 15, 2006
  4. Rickey

    Jody Guest

    hows that abusive?
    i been past that speed many times passing transports
    Jody, Feb 16, 2006
  5. Rickey

    news Guest

    and for us DIY ? what does it mean?

    a "Garage" might screw up the car even worse.
    news, Feb 18, 2006
  6. Rickey

    news Guest

    admitting to speeding, guilty!

    Sir, you have the right to remain silent, any thing you
    news, Feb 18, 2006
  7. Rickey

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Well - if you're a DIY mechanic then I'd have to ask just what you expect
    anyone to be able to say in answer to the original post? OK - try this on
    for size.

    1) Check your gas cap.
    2) If it's not on tight, then read the owner's manual to see how to properly
    install the gas cap. Exercise caution as afterall, you are working in the
    vicinity of gasoline which is highly combustible.
    3) If the gas cap is on tight, then take your car to a garage for further

    a "Garage" might screw up the car even worse" - highly doubtful.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 18, 2006
  8. Rickey

    news Guest

    a "Garage" might screw up the car even worse.
    why would a gas cap, not properly screwed in cause a "check engine" light to
    come on? Call me silly (no, please don't call me silly :)
    BUT, I've never heard of that. Fuel pressure sensor somewhere that detects
    this? would a bad cap do it?


    Not around my neighborhood..:))
    Perhaps you mean "garage" as in a "Authorized Dealer"

    the last garage I used, was for a cracked main pulley (harmonic balancer)
    a week after that, I noticed belt slippage from the alternator, later I
    found out they never installed the nut on the bottom bolt!
    I re-inserted the bolt all the way in, and installed another nut myself.
    I will eventually visit the shop (garage) that did this crappy service, and
    give them a piece of my mind. (just a small piece, since ive lost most of it
    anyway :))


    news, Feb 18, 2006
  9. Rickey

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Gas tank pressure has been monitored now for several years. Loose cap -
    check engine light. You'd think they'd put yet another idiot light on the
    dash, wouldn't you? One that says - "Check Gas Cap". Imagine all the calls
    to the dealer...
    Certainly a dealer is an option but there are lots of qualified independent
    mechanics out there too. At least in the US there are.

    You too???
    Mike Marlow, Feb 18, 2006
  10. Rickey

    news Guest

    Thanks Mike, you are a gentleman and a Scholar.

    I am really BLOWN away from with this info! (figuretaviley speaking....no
    last car i had, (before a wreck) was a 90 300ZX. I always noticed a small
    burst of pressure when opening the cap, mid to low tank level. However, My
    98 Sonta does NOt make this release. Could it be why my dummy light is still
    on? (Check Engine light)
    Could it be leak elsewhere in the fuel system?

    BTW: we call it "dummy lights" around here ;-)

    I hate to admit, in South Florida USA, there are LOUSY mechanics! Even some
    dealers are horrible.
    There has to be good ones, im sure of that, but I have crossed too many bad
    ones since my first Chevy, used Monte Carlo 1979 bought in 1981.
    I think lack of proper certification by the State, maybe.....dunno....

    HUH, whaaaa? i forgot what you were saying???? :))
    news, Feb 19, 2006
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