98 hyundai TIBURON

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by Justin Yoo, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. Justin Yoo

    Justin Yoo Guest

    Its for 98 Tiburon, all the signal lights are not working including the
    emergency lights....

    checked the fuse, and it was not the fuses.

    What other things can I check for this problem ?


    Justin Yoo, Aug 18, 2004
  2. Justin Yoo

    hyundaitech Guest

    Cycle the hazard switch several times and see if they work. If they do,
    replace the hazard switch. If not, it's probably the flasher unit.
    hyundaitech, Aug 18, 2004
  3. Justin Yoo

    Justin Yoo Guest


    what do you mean by cycling the hazzard switch several times?
    and if they do not work can you tell me where is the flashing unit ?

    thanks for the help

    Justin Yoo, Aug 19, 2004
  4. Justin Yoo

    hyundaitech Guest

    I mean to click the hazard lamps on and off a few times.

    The flasher unit is (I believe) the largest of the black boxes in the
    relay center under the left side of the dash.
    hyundaitech, Aug 20, 2004
  5. Justin Yoo

    Justin Yoo Guest

    thank you very much

    Justin Yoo, Aug 20, 2004
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