98 Sonata charging problems

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by news, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. news

    news Guest

    about an hours worth of driving, the charging system fails, I replaced the
    battery as per Sears diagnostics recommeded that ) batter was dead. (battery
    was still under warrnty, so it was a free replacement)
    news, Feb 24, 2007
  2. news

    Mike Marlow Guest

    So, what are you saying? Are you saying you still have a problem after
    replacing the battery, or are you just letting everyone know that the Sears
    diagnostic pinpointed your problem? If you're still having problems, an
    explanation using full sentences usually helps others understand what you're
    trying to say.
    Mike Marlow, Feb 24, 2007
  3. news

    news Guest

    darn news thing sent the message before i was done,sorry.. relisted it .

    About an hours worth of driving, the charging system fails, I replaced the
    battery as per Sears diagnostics recommended that the batter was dead.
    (battery was still under warranty, so it was a free replacement) they
    indicated the alternator was working just fine......... Next day, the same
    thing happened, dies on me and after an hour or so of driving. After it if
    cools off, I can jump start it, and runs fine for about an hour again......
    I'm guessing the alternator needs replacing.???.. but I've heard there's a
    separate voltage regulator ??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    news, Feb 24, 2007
  4. news

    Hyundaitech Guest

    Sometimes the alternators work when cold and then fail to work when
    hot. The voltage regulator is part of the alternator. I suspect
    replacing the alternator will repair your issue
    Hyundaitech, Mar 5, 2007
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