99 accent clutch

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Jody, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Jody

    Jody Guest

    just had clutch replaced and when you start the car the clutch makes a
    screethin sound for about a minute till it warms up a bit.
    sound goes away when I push the clutch in...
    Jody, Mar 6, 2006
  2. Jody

    hyundaitech Guest

    Usually, bad throwout bearings act just the opposite-- they make a loud
    screeching noise when the pedal is depressed. Nonetheless, I'd primarily
    suspect the throwout bearing, but there are a few possibilities. I'd
    recommend taking it back to the shop that replaced the clutch.
    hyundaitech, Mar 6, 2006
  3. Jody

    Guncho Guest

    How much did that run you?

    Guncho, Mar 7, 2006
  4. Jody

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Sounds more like a pilot bearing to me because as you say - the throw out
    bearing usually acts just the opposite. The pilot bearing will act just
    this way.
    Mike Marlow, Mar 7, 2006
  5. Jody

    halatos2000 Guest

    The pilot bearing is not spinning when the clutch is engaged. It only
    spins when the pedal is depressed.

    halatos2000, Mar 7, 2006
  6. Jody

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Yes, you are correct Chris. My bad.
    Mike Marlow, Mar 7, 2006
  7. Jody

    hyundaitech Guest

    Ordinarily, that would be sound logic, but Hyundai doesn't use a pilot
    bearing. I suppose it could be the input shaft against the crank bushing.
    That certainly makes a little more sense than my original idea.
    hyundaitech, Mar 7, 2006
  8. Jody

    Jody Guest

    180.00 and 450.00 cdn $
    Jody, Mar 8, 2006
  9. Jody

    Guncho Guest

    Which one?

    Guncho, Mar 8, 2006
  10. Jody

    Jody Guest

    i have that feeling, i was told to wait a week and see if it changes.
    itts been a month.....
    Jody, Mar 8, 2006
  11. Jody

    Jody Guest

    where is the pilot bearing?
    i know in clutch kit there was big roiund plastic looking one i think thats
    the clutch release, the other was a metal bearing about size of a large
    they told me the car diddnt need the lil one put in it was fine...
    ( i wassnt impressed when i was told that when picking up) all new parts
    should have wen t in.
    since they said thyer diddnt put it in, kinda up to them top refix non?
    i assume thyre l;ooking for another blame ;like he mentioned if its because
    not a hyun clutch maybye its sound clutch setting in.
    thats when i said u did the clutch a month ago, ive done several 8 hrs
    drives since.
    should be broken in by now...
    grrrrrrrr, hes my ex hyun ser manager, now at kia i go there because i
    trusted him, and he gives me deals...
    lets see now how much longer i trust....
    rear brake still squeeks when sitting still or moving when its applied also.
    they said thery replaced the cylinder in back and clean/lubed rear brakes.
    they why still same eek when brake moves inside, or its smeting in there...
    Jody, Mar 8, 2006
  12. Jody

    Matt Whiting Guest

    It is in the center of the flywheel on the back of the engine and is
    used to support the nose of the transmission shaft. It is what you
    stick the clutch disk alignment tool into so that the transmission shaft
    will align with the clutch disk and pilot bearing when you are
    installing the transmission.

    Matt Whiting, Mar 8, 2006
  13. Jody

    hyundaitech Guest

    Let's see.

    1. The noise wasn't there before they replaced the clutch.
    2. The noise was present immediately after the clutch was replaced.
    3. The noise goes away when depressing the clutch pedal.

    It would seem to me that the probability of the noise being somehow
    related to the repair would be rather high. I think the onus is on the
    repair facility to determine what's causing the noise and stop with the
    hyundaitech, Mar 9, 2006
  14. Jody

    Jody Guest

    i just have a feeling theyre gonna blame the non hyundai clutch.
    hes mentioned it once, in last message i told ya guys what he said..
    ive seen a few other 5 spds our vintage and they seem noisy too
    Jody, Mar 9, 2006
  15. Jody

    Jody Guest

    i remmebr in 2001 they redid all our input shaft berrings
    Jody, Mar 9, 2006
  16. Jody

    hyundaitech Guest

    Why'd they use a non-Hyundai clutch? If they chose the parts, then I think
    they'd be on the hook for making sure the parts are correct.
    hyundaitech, Mar 9, 2006
  17. Jody

    Jody Guest

    180.00 for clutch 450.00 to put it in
    Jody, Mar 10, 2006
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