advice: Accent 2001 manual,

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Kevin Duggan, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. Kevin Duggan

    Kevin Duggan Guest

    What is a good manual to get for a 2001 Accent 3 door
    I tried to access the mauals on the Hyundia web site
    but they are anly available to the original owners
    of the vehicles.



    Kevin Duggan, Apr 30, 2008
  2. Kevin Duggan

    hyundaitech Guest

    Are you sure about this. I use the dealer's account, so I don't have
    personal one. But I just went to and clicked on th
    create an account link, and I don't see anywhere that it asks for a vin.
    I therefore conclude it has no way of determining whether you're a
    original owner
    hyundaitech, May 1, 2008
  3. Kevin Duggan

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Go out to Register there and you'll find more than just the
    owner's manual. You'll find service manuals, etc.
    Mike Marlow, May 1, 2008
  4. Kevin Duggan

    Kevin Duggan Guest

    I am on a Mac, when I click the user aggreement
    link after inputting all info it pops up a blank window
    which is supposed to contain a User aggreement.

    I looked at the code for the web (using Firefox browser & clicking on the link
    while pressing the comand button which gives a option to look at the
    page source/code) and found the
    address of the User Aggreement page,
    which I pasted in the address bar,....which was now viewable but still would not work.

    I did the same with the contact link using Firefox as the browser,
    found the contact number and called today and after giviing the
    woman all my info including vin# she tells me only original owners
    are allowed access to this site.

    Maybe I will have better luck if I get on a PC I think maybe the
    pages were optimized for Internet Explorer which is only available for PC's



    personal one. But I just went to
    create an account link, and I don't see anywhere that it asks for a vin.I therefore conclude it has no way of determining whether you're a
    original owner.
    Message posted using
    More information at
    Kevin Duggan, May 1, 2008
  5. She has NOT IDEA, what she's talking about, anybody can open an account,
    you enter your VIN to find specific info for your car.
    That's is the real problem, the site does NOT work with FF, not in the
    Mac, neither in Windows, that is one of the reasons I still have IE on
    my system. After you get your account open, you can use FF for some
    things, but to look at diagrams you need to go back at IE again ....
    No idea if Safari or Opera works.
    Vic Hyu Garcia, May 1, 2008
  6. Kevin Duggan

    Mike Marlow Guest

    She is grossly mistaken. We've never purchased a new Hyundai - always buy
    used, and I've had no such problems.

    Argh! I thought someone had posted that this problem was fixed, but I guess
    not. The site historically required use of IE (what kind of brain-dead
    programming is that?), and additionally you'll have to download the Adobe
    SVG viewer, but I thought someone had posted that they were lately able to
    navigate the site completely using Firefox. Guess we throw that one out.
    Well, as sucky as it is, you'll have to get to an IE machine and go at it
    that way.
    Mike Marlow, May 1, 2008
  7. That's is the real problem, the site does NOT work with FF, not in the

    I've used it in Safari, though not for registration. It works fine for
    my purposes.
    Matthew Fedder, May 1, 2008
  8. Kevin Duggan

    Kevin Duggan Guest

    I used a PC to register in work,
    so registration it seems is not possible on a Macintosh OS.
    The good news is once registered
    everything works fine on a Mac so, .....

    I found some great info, just wondering
    if changing the sensor is way beyond me.

    I found some good information in the TSB section,
    What does TSB stand for or ODB, ETM, DTC.?

    I know a person who is a mechanic I think I will
    ask him to help, or pay him I guess would be more like it.


    Kevin Duggan, May 1, 2008
  9. Kevin Duggan

    Mike Marlow Guest

    All's well that ends well.
    Not necessarily beyond you but if you don't have some basic understanding of
    how car systems interact, you can quickly throw tons of money at things and
    not fix anything in the process. But - you'll have lots of new parts in
    your car...

    TSB - Technical Service Bulletin - a technical advisory published by the
    OBD - Onboard Diagnostic
    DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
    That would probably be advisable.
    Mike Marlow, May 1, 2008
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