Air Conditioner not Blowing Sufficiently

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jor, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. jor

    jor Guest

    My air conditioner on my 1998 Sonata is working but the high speed fan
    setting doesn't put out enough air to be comfortable (I'm in Tucson and it's
    pretty hot). It blows; it just doesn't blow hard enough. Is this a known
    issue on this model? Thanks.
    jor, Jul 21, 2003
  2. I have a 2002 and live in Phoenix so I know what you mean about hot.

    Change the switch from outside air to recalculate and it speeds up the fan
    some. Although I agree the fan speed is not as fast as some other car's I've

    I've noticed that the AC does not really get REAL cold unless I'm driving at
    a decent speed. But don't think it's a problem with Hyundai I think it's a
    problem with the new Freon.

    My 2000 ford was the same way as the Hyundai.
    Richard Johnson, Jul 21, 2003
  3. Also check the cabin air filter and change it if necessary.
    Jerry Kindall, Jul 21, 2003
  4. jor

    jor Guest

    Thanks to Richard and Jerry for your replies. I've tried the recirculate
    setting and I'll give the cabin air filter a shot.
    jor, Jul 22, 2003
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