Auto trans question on 04 Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by me, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. me

    me Guest

    My Hyundai dealer tells me this is normal, but I was wondering what
    some other Hyundai owners think. My Sonata never seems to downshift
    into 2nd gear, It will drop right from 3rd into 1st. Makes it kind of
    sluggish when I'm in 3rd and should be in 2nd.

    For example, when I pull up to a red light, and I'm going about 5- mph
    and the light changes, I'm still in 3rd gear, and if I'm on a hill,I
    have no power. To prove my point, I put the transmission into
    Shiftronic (or whatever it's called) and I can actually watch it
    downshift. from 4th, into 3rd, VERY rarely into 2nd, then into 1st.
    But 99% of the time, it goes from 3rd, and never into 2nd, and drops
    right into 1st.

    Could some other Sonata owners let me know if their Sonata does the
    same, or does it shift like a normal transmission should?

    I just spent $451 on my 30,000 mile checkup. Had a bad speed sensor,
    or something, but that didn't correct the problem.
    me, Mar 18, 2006
  2. me

    hyundaitech Guest

    When in shiftronic, your car won't downshift like it normally does. Based
    on your description, I have some concern, but don't have a really good
    idea what it's doing. Once you step on the gas, the trans should shift
    into the gear appropriate for your acceleration and speed. On the other
    hand, while decelerating and off the gas, it'll tend to remain in as high
    a gear as possible.
    hyundaitech, Mar 20, 2006
  3. me

    me Guest

    I can feel it doing the same, not downshifting properly, even when not
    in shiftronic. It will however, downshift, if I really press the
    accelerator, but in any other car I've had, I never had to do that to
    that extent. I would think that if you are going about 10 mph, 3rd
    gear is not the correct gear for that.

    I'm hoping they honor the warranty when my transmission finally does
    fail. I just hope it does it before my 100,000 miles are up

    Another problem, which I think is related is that when going up a
    slight grade, and the transmission needs to shift, it feels as if it
    slips then bangs into the lower gear. This problem has been happening
    since day one also, but they insist there is nothing wrong.
    me, Mar 20, 2006
  4. me

    hyundaitech Guest

    I find any slip-bang description disturbing. Is this intermittent? Has
    the dealer duplicated it?

    If you really believe you have an issue and the dealer has told you it is
    normal, you should probably take your car to another dealer for a second

    As long as you service your transmission properly, you should have no
    issues with Hyundai honoring the warranty.
    hyundaitech, Mar 20, 2006
  5. me

    me Guest

    It's intermittent. It always happens on the same roads in the same
    place on the road. Using a slight grade and making a slight turn. I'm
    not sure what it's doing, but I think it's downshifting from 3rd to
    2nd, or maybe from 4th to 3rd. I need to be going about 25-30 mph. Any
    slower or any fast and it's fine.

    The dealer hasn't been able to duplicate it. If they kept the car for
    a whole day, I think they could. I actually went to a different dealer
    for my 30,000 mile check up. There was no way I was giving the dealer
    I bought the car from another dime. They treat you like you don't know
    what you're talking about when you go in with a problem.

    I told the 2nd dealer about the problem, but I think they thought
    replacing the failed 'output speed sensor' (check engine light was on)
    fixed the problem, but it didn't make one bit of difference other then
    my check engine light is now out
    me, Mar 21, 2006
  6. me

    hyundaitech Guest

    If you like the second dealer, take the car back to them and give them
    specific instructions about what is necessary to make the condition occur,
    or, even better, take one of their technicians on a drive and point it out
    to him (if that's possible). You should be aware that if they need to
    drive the car for an extended period of time, that you'll probably need to
    make some sacrifices. Hyundai won't pay them for extended test drives.
    One of the things we do is to drive the customer's car home overnight
    (with the customer's permission, of course) in order to make a
    significantly longer test drive. If this is okay with you, make it a
    point to tell them it's okay when you drop off the car. That way, they'll
    know you really want them to duplicate the problem and are willing to take
    some of the steps necessary for them to do so.
    hyundaitech, Mar 21, 2006
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