Brake noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sam, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Appreciate your comments.

    2003 Accent with 5k miles on it (still under warranty).

    Applying the bakes can cause a soft repeating thud sound from rear of the

    Dealer turned the drums at about 2k miles: stopped it briefly (Feb 2005).

    Dealer replaced the drums, shoes, and wheel bearings at about 3.5k miles:
    stopped it for awhile (Mar 2005).

    It is starting again.

    Any suggestions?
    Sam, Apr 4, 2005
  2. Sam

    hyundaitech Guest

    Unfortunately, I don't have much to offer. Call 'em up and take it in so
    they can inspect it.
    hyundaitech, Apr 4, 2005
  3. Sam

    afob3 Guest

    I had this two or three times with my 01 accent. A real light tapping
    sound from the rear when gently applying the brakes. (the tapping
    speed slowed along with the cars speed)

    Anyhow, It turned out that the rear drums and handbrake needed to be
    re-adjusted. It is supposedto adjust itself but for some reason needed
    an adjustment every year or so.
    afob3, Apr 5, 2005
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