break adjusters on 2000 accent

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by dave825, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. dave825

    dave825 Guest

    i was wondering how to adjust the breaks on my 2000 hyundai accent because
    the breaks work just not the emergency break
    dave825, Mar 15, 2005
  2. dave825

    hyundaitech Guest

    The shoes have the typical star wheel adjusters. Take the rear drums off
    and adjust the clearance until the shoes create a small amount of
    resistance on the drum when turned.

    If you still need to adjust your parking brake after adjusting the shoes,
    there's a parking brake cable adjustment under the rear console. You can
    turn the cable the rest of the way until adjusted properly. Remember,
    you should be able to turn the rear wheels, but a small amount of
    resistance is okay.
    hyundaitech, Mar 15, 2005
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