Can Santa Fe keys be duplicated in any key shop?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by chasrein, Aug 22, 2003.

  1. chasrein

    chasrein Guest

    2003 Santa Fe

    Is there anything "special" about the key? Like, maybe, a computer
    chip embedded?

    Can they be duplicated in any keyshop? Like Walmart?
    chasrein, Aug 22, 2003
  2. chasrein

    Zotto Guest

    Dunno about SantaFe, but on my Sonata MY2002 there are 2 kinds of keys ,
    Master and S, and you can duplicate only at the dealer using Master key

    Zotto, Aug 22, 2003
  3. chasrein

    chasrein Guest

    chasrein, Aug 22, 2003
  4. chasrein

    Peter H. Guest

    Is there anything "special" about the key? Like, maybe, a computer chip
    Can be duplicated by any locksmith, or even an ACE hardware.

    The "smarts" is in the "keyless entry system", not in the key.
    Peter H., Aug 23, 2003
  5. chasrein

    theta00k Guest

    N. American Santa Fes don't have a immobilizer system.
    theta00k, Aug 23, 2003
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