Changing Brake Pds

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jon Stafford, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. Jon Stafford

    Jon Stafford Guest

    Does anyone know someplace online that would have instructions for changing
    the brake pads on a 2001 Accent? If not, is there anything unusual I might
    have to know, or is it simple (I've only ever done it on American cars)? I'd
    appreciate the advice. Thanks.
    Jon Stafford, Jul 4, 2004
  2. Jon Stafford

    Jim Vatunz Guest

    Very easy job on it.
    take the wheel off then undo the lower bolt where the pad holder bolts
    to the caliper. from memory it's 12mm. then that bracket just pivots
    upwards and the pads can easily be pulled out. just make a note of
    where the pads and shims go. note also that one pad has a metal tang
    on it that serves as a noisemaker for when they're worn down to
    replacement level.
    use a G clamp or similar to push the brake piston back into the
    caliper taking care that the brake fluid level doesn't overflow
    (unless the reservoir been topped up recently it shouldn't happen),
    then with the new pads installed in the holder swing it back down into
    it's original position on the caliper, be careful to make sure the
    shims stay in place.
    Tighten the lower bolt up to 28nm (someone correct me if my record is
    wrong) of torque put the wheel back on and the jobs done. 100nm is
    about right for the wheel nuts.

    I have a webcam in the tropics
    Jim Vatunz, Jul 4, 2004
  3. Jon Stafford

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Wayne Moses, Jul 4, 2004
  4. Jon Stafford

    norelpref Guest

    Just a pet peeve of mine, this is not specifically directed to you Jim..

    No one should ever have a reason to put brake fluid into a car unless
    they are swapping/exchanging fluid or they have recently repaired or
    replaced a component that carries brake fluid (like a line, caliper,
    wheel cylinder, master cylinder etc.. basically anything but the
    pads/shoes). If you ever feel inclined to add fluid because you are
    close to the min line or lower then normal, you may have a problem that
    needs fixed and will only get worse. As the brakes wear, the fluid
    level will go down as the brake fluid displaces the distance of travel
    that the calipers or wheel cylinder is extended at rest. This is normal
    and the reason for a "max" and "min" line labeled on the reservoir. The
    level will always go back up when the pads/shoes are replaced. If not,
    check for a leak and get it fixed. I have never seen a leaking brake
    part not get worse and degrade quickly. More often then not, the
    leaking fluid will contaminate the stopping surface rendering it useless.

    On a related note, removing the fluid reservoir cover makes it easier to
    drive the caliper pistons back in with the C clamp (If you added fluid
    prior to this though, it will overflow ;) ) and using the old pad turned
    over against the piston saves you from scratching or marring the piston
    surface with the clamp.
    norelpref, Jul 12, 2004
  5. Jon Stafford

    Jim Vatunz Guest

    I'm glad.
    you have a much better way of saying what i meant anyway.
    There really is no need to ever top up a brake reservoir.
    I only open mine every 2 years to change the fluid and i'm starting to
    doubt whether it's worth the trouble.
    i was so bored having nothing to service or replace on my Accent i
    took the pads off at 60,000km and washed them. Since i'd only worn 1mm
    or about 10% off the pad since new there was no point giving the car a
    special treat and replace them. i wish the 90,000km mark will roll
    along so i can do some real work and replace the timing belt.
    I have a webcam in the tropics
    Jim Vatunz, Jul 12, 2004
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