Charging system working, still low power

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tracker13, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. tracker13

    tracker13 Guest

    This is problem #2, figure I would keep them seperate. I have had the
    charging sysmtem check over and over again, and they tell me its fine. I
    have even tested it myself, Im getting 14.5 volts from the alt, and the
    battery with it charging. Without it running, the battery reads 12.5

    Now the problem is, is that the lights are still dim, and the heater motor
    is still blowing lower then it should. Now once and awhile, just out of the
    blue, doesn't matter what the car is doing, it will flick to what it should
    be then go back to what it was.

    What would cause this?

    I have replaced the Alt and the starter so far both with bran new parts.
    tracker13, Dec 19, 2004
  2. tracker13

    halatos2000 Guest

    "Now the problem is, is that the lights are still dim, and the heater
    is still blowing lower then it should. Now once and awhile, just out of
    blue, doesn't matter what the car is doing, it will flick to what it
    be then go back to what it was.

    What would cause this?"

    If the lights are dim then I would start there. Pull a headlamp and
    verify the voltage is LOWER than it should be. Then work your way back.
    Go back from there to the headlight switch, fuse panel, ignition
    switch, etc. and find out where the voltage is dropping off.

    One thing you could try immediately would be to remove the fuses and
    clean up the brass contacts. My 67 bug used to lose a headlight every
    so often, I'd start twisting fuses and it would come right back. Once I
    cleaned up the contacts all was well. I would also check the main
    supply to the fuse block, I don't know which VW you have so you'll have
    to consult your manual to find out where this circuit runs.

    halatos2000, Dec 19, 2004
  3. That's actually a bit low for a car battery. It should read 13.2 volts
    if the battery is fully charged and in good shape. If it's three years
    old or more, it's probably dying.
    A dying battery can cause this. Also bad grounds. Check the engine and
    chassis grounds.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 21, 2004
  4. tracker13

    hyundaitech Guest

    You won't get 13.2 out of the battery. New batteries don't test to this
    voltage. I'd expect a maximum of 12.8. Check for a poor connection in
    the main fuse box. This could be causing the fuse to blow and the
    symptoms you mention here.
    hyundaitech, Dec 22, 2004
  5. You're right. I just measured the battery in my Elantra and it's at
    12.5V. I've seen higher on other batteries, but it may have been with
    them out of the car.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 22, 2004
  6. tracker13

    Speedy Jim Guest

    Excellent site for all battery-related questions:

    Speedy Jim
    Speedy Jim, Dec 22, 2004
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