Check Engine Symptoms

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by LoveMyLantra, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. LoveMyLantra


    Feb 17, 2015
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    Hi Guys, I got a Hyundai Lantra J2, built 1998, with Auto transmission. I had a check engine issue just the past month and found out that the radiator had a cracked on top and was spewing out coolant. So I replaced it, also all hoses connected to it and the thermostat. It was fine for three (3) days and yesterday the check engine light came up again. It lit up for two (2) seconds happened after maybe about 5 minutes from starting the car. Took it for a drive after an hour and it lit up again for two (2) seconds but will never stay on. When it happened temperature on the gauge is half way. Is it a symptom of a faulty temperature sensor ? Did my radiator fan come on that time ? How do I check the circuitry and or fan individually ? By the way, do you guys know what sensor or switch is beside the temperature sensor ? I want to remove and check it as well.
    I am not a mechanic but I want to DIY the fix to this issue so any thoughts and suggestions would be helpful and highly appreciated. Cheers.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    LoveMyLantra, Feb 17, 2015
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