Cruise Control no longer working and some other problems...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JB, May 16, 2005.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    2001.5 Elantra GT
    AT / 128,000 miles
    Cruise Control stopped working yesterday. Indicator light comes on, but
    will not hold speed when I set. Right front headlight went out the
    night before too, this morning I knocked it with my fist and it came
    back on. Didn't fix the cruise though. Browsed through the Hyundai
    group this morning and read where a posters brake light went out and so
    did his cruise, he replaced the bulb and the cruise came back. Just
    checked my brake lights and _both_ are out. Is the cruise set up to
    fault when a brake light is out? Also noticed that all of the 10-15
    center lights come on when the brake pedal is depressed, but when I
    take my foot OFF the pedal, the far left light, just the one, stays
    lit. (scratches head....) Any ideas? I'm going to get some bulbs
    (headlight and brake lights) at lunch and replace them, I will post any

    On a slightly note, the light that lights up the PRND21 works
    intermittently. Sometimes it works fine, other times it never comes on,
    sometimes it will turn on/off when I move the selector to Park or

    Been reading the group for a couple years now, very helpfull. If
    anybody has any questions about a 128,000 mile EGT let me know.

    Thanks for any suggestions or thoughts on the cruise/lights problem.

    JB, May 16, 2005
  2. Sounds like you've got some bad electrical connections, most likely bad
    grounds. This is common with cars that have a few years/miles on them,
    as corrosion starts to creep into the electrical connections. There are
    a few things you can do to help get things back to normal. Before you do
    any of this, disconnect the battery and download the the wiring diagram
    for the car (it's on Hyundai's WebTech site).

    1) Pull and reinstall all the fuses to ensure that they're making good

    2) Do the same thing with all the relays you can access.

    3) Pull the connectors off all the headlight/tail light bulbs or pull
    the bulbs and clean the contacts. Scotchbrite or a pencil eraser will
    clean them easily.

    4) Locate the various grounds for the lights, engine, battery, etc on
    the wiring diagram. Undo and clean all the connections, then re-connect
    them. Coat the outside of the connections with dielectric grease or
    Vaseline to protect them from corrosion.

    Once you're done, reconnect the battery. You'll have to reprogram your
    radio, but it's unavoidable.

    If that doesn't correct the problem, it may be something more serious.
    Regardless, you'll have eliminated any existing ground problems and
    prevented any impending ones.
    Brian Nystrom, May 17, 2005
  3. JB

    JB Guest

    An update. I pulled up the CC wiring schematic from the HMA web site
    and found that the CC goes through the Stop Lamp Switch and opens when
    the brake pedal is depressed. Apparently having both bulbs out will
    leave the circuit open as well. Replaced the bulbs and CC is working

    JB, May 17, 2005
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