Cruise Control Problem, not related to Hyundai though

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GP, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. GP

    GP Guest

    1998 Elantra manual
    I had installed a cruise control after I bought the car.
    This problem only seems to happen in the colder weather -10 Celsius and

    I'm at my speed, I then press set, then the car immediately speeds to at
    least 20 kmh over the set limit.
    Sometimes it keeps on going (scary) but then it goes back to where I set it.
    Sometimes after it has been on cruise for a while, it slowly starts
    increasing speed 10-20 kmh over the set and them immediately drops off to
    the set limit.

    This problem seems to go away after the engine warms up.
    I know this is not a Hyundai problem, but these seems a good group for
    answers. Any answers out there?

    GP, Nov 19, 2005
  2. GP

    Mike Marlow Guest

    No idea George, this is a weird one. Did you check with the manufacturer,
    or the install - assuming you had it installed.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 20, 2005
  3. GP

    hyundaitech Guest

    I'd suspect the cruise actuator is sticking and then finally releases.
    Most aftermarket units are vacuum operated, so I'd be very careful about
    lubrication, for fear of damaging the diaphragm of the actuator. Have a
    look around to see if anything seems to be binding up.
    hyundaitech, Nov 20, 2005
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