CV boot questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by lmcclaf, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. lmcclaf

    lmcclaf Guest

    My son has a 96 Accent and the outer BJ boot wasn't ripped but it is
    thin enough in a few spots that it was just starting to allow the
    grease to leak out slightly. Time for a new outer boot before any
    contaminants get in there. Since this vehicle has everything press
    fitted together at that end of the axle you need to pull the whole
    axle out. No big deal. I picked up the new boot kit so it had the
    boot, 2 boot bands, and a tube of grease. I already had new boot bands
    to go on the damper and the TJ boot. All set to go now. Wait a minute,
    since the TJ boot had to come off as well and the spider had to be
    removed, I now have to replace the grease in that boot. According to
    the service manual the inner boot uses ONE-LUBER MK grease and the
    outer uses CENTOPLEX 278M/136K grease. What is the difference between
    these greases (besides the fact the BJ grease is black and the TJ
    grease is a yellowish colour)? I even asked at my local Hyundai
    dealership and the mechanic there couldn't answer the question. Maybe
    someone here can help "learn me sometink new"... lol. Thanks.

    lmcclaf, Sep 14, 2009
  2. lmcclaf

    hyundaitech Guest

    I couldn't tell you. Any more, the Hyundai kits come with two tubes
    of the same grease, so I doubt the difference is great. If anyone
    actually knows the answer to this, I'd like to know what it is.
    hyundaitech, Sep 15, 2009
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