Dealer Decor Packages

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Craig Stillman, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. All the dealers in my area (Philly) tack on a decor package to every Hyundai
    they sell. The package usually costs about $1200-$1300. Why do dealers do
    this? Is this a directive from Hyundai or just a way to boost their bottom

    Craig Stillman, Aug 19, 2003
  2. Craig Stillman

    Steve G Guest

    I just bought a Sante Fe in Fl, and there was nothing like that on it. My
    guess is that it is some type of dealer added on package. If so, I'd guess
    you could make arrangements to get one right at delivery before they add it
    on. What does it say they are adding?
    Steve G, Aug 19, 2003
  3. Almost all dealer-installed options are at least 75% profit, sometimes
    closer to 90%. My guess is that they are making a grand or so on it.

    Just tell the dealer you're not paying for it, and they should find you
    a car without it. "Since it is dealer-installed, I'll just wait until
    you get another car like I want, and then you simply don't install the
    package on my car." Chances are very good that they will simply give
    it to you for free. After all, the longer they make you wait, the more
    of a chance there is that you'll buy somewhere else.

    If they go for it, be sure to track down and thank the last few Hyundai
    owners who bought from that dealer, as they're the ones who paid for
    your "decor package." ;)
    Jerry Kindall, Aug 19, 2003
  4. Craig Stillman

    TR7 Driver Guest

    I would walk out of any dealership that insisted on this kind of marketing.
    And I suspect their service department would have other ploys as well.

    Bring your money elsewhere!
    TR7 Driver, Aug 20, 2003
  5. Craig Stillman

    seahorse25 Guest

    Our local (Honda/Hyundai) dealer does that to all their
    cars. When we were looking/buying our Santa Fe and 'talking'
    with the local salesman-in-charge-of-internet-sales, he did drop
    the price by offering 'dealer cost', on what I like to call the "Mop
    and Glow" items. But we felt that they were unneeded and went
    to a distant dealer that sold cars - not pin striping and 'Teflon' wax
    jobs. Got a much better price, too! Even with the extra delivery

    seahorse25, Aug 21, 2003
  6. Craig Stillman

    Art Guest

    You are right. It is hard to escape that added on decor package at
    any of the Philly area dealers. Actually they all do it! I didn't
    find one that didn't. Stand Firm and insist that you will not pay for
    it since you didn't request it to be installed. In my shopping
    experience both Savage dealers (Norristown & Reading)said everyone
    does it and they couldn't exclude it. The dealer I bought from
    (Carousel in West Chester) does this as well. However, I found the
    same exact car on thier lot that hadn't been prepped and said I would
    take that one to avoid the cost. Since it was parked about 5 rows
    deep they decided it wasn't worth the hastle to shuffle cars and gave
    me the one I drove without paying for the prep package. Bottom
    Line.... Stand Firm and head to a different dealer if you must.
    There's plenty of them around here:)

    I forget what dealer it was (it may have been hyundai or nissan) but
    they had an add on sticker that said "Area market value adjustment"
    for about 1,200 bucks. They actually added the profit and didn't have
    a problem showing people how stupid they think we are.
    Art, Aug 21, 2003
  7. Craig Stillman

    Beth Vohl Guest

    It's called pure profit. They pay a person about $15.00 per car to
    pin-stripe it and spray scotch-guard on the seats and then charge you up to
    $1200.00 for this "dealer installed enhancement"... In '94 I went to
    Northeast Auto Outlet and bought an Excel.... They clamed that since this
    was "pre-installed" it was non-negotiable, I said that unless they could
    prove that pinstripes would either improve the fuel economy or increase it's
    resale value, they could peel off the stripes. They refused, I started to
    walk. Before I got to my car, the "manager" came running after me. The
    Décor Package was removed from the price and I bought the car.

    Beth Vohl, Aug 31, 2003
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