Dealer trying to scam me now.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by No, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. No

    No Guest

    Man, not having any luck with this Santa Fe.

    I leased a Santa Fe last week. Everything signed sealed delivered.
    Last night, the finance guy from the Hyundai dealer calls me up and tells me
    that they made a mistake in the paperwork, and I owe them another $564 as
    part of the down payement.

    Yeah, right.

    I went to the bank tonight, filed an application to increase my line of
    credit. Hell, it's the same interest rate as the lease.

    Going to the dealer omorrow to tell them I'll be purchasing this vehicle, no
    penalty. Should have done that in the first place. Live and learn.

    For you sceptics, go to google and type in Call-Back Leasing Scam and read

    I can't belive they tried this on me. I'm 45, and a frigging engineer. Maybe
    a 19 year old leasing her first Elantra would fall for it.

    Buying a car should be as easy as buying tuna. Pick it out, pay for it, go
    home. I don't need the salesman to tell me how the lights and power windows
    work when I take delivery.
    No, Jul 26, 2003
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