Does anyone know where there are alot of Hyundais in Salvage Yardsacross the nation ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by IlBeBauck, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. IlBeBauck

    IlBeBauck Guest

    I need to find a 2002-2004 Hyundai SantaFe FWD, 6 cyl. and strip a
    Wheel Hub SPeed Sensor from it in order to get my trouble indicator
    light to go off. Ive checked with local Dealers and they want well
    over $200 for this tiny simple sensor. Please advise. Thanks.
    IlBeBauck, Sep 15, 2010
  2. IlBeBauck

    hyundaitech Guest

    You can do a search at, but expect several problems:

    1. The junk yard will not want to sell you the sensor alone.
    2. You will need to buy the entire steering knuckle to get the
    3. If you find a you-pull-it junk yard, you're likely to not be able
    to get the sensor out of the knuckle without damaging the sensor.
    This is especially true of a vehicle that's been sitting in a junk
    yard rusting away.
    hyundaitech, Sep 16, 2010
    IronSight likes this.
  3. IlBeBauck

    Guest Guest

    What does this do to sales of
    after-market wheels ?

    I've seeen some pretty nice ones at the tire store,
    but I'm put off by the whole "pressure sensor" hassle....
    Guest, Sep 16, 2010
  4. IlBeBauck

    Plague Boy Guest

    Right, and you won't know until you've installed it if it works at all,
    and if it does, it's about the same age as the one that failed....

    Can you buy it somewhere new? Rock Auto has sensors for ABS for $75-100.

    No affiliation other than satisfied customer. Try any local auto parts
    places that may exist. Junkyards are great for some things, but this
    wouldn't be my first choice for this problem.

    Plague Boy, Sep 16, 2010
  5. IlBeBauck

    IlBeBauck Guest

    Ill try Rock Auto . Thanks. I dont have ABS on the SUV so i think
    this wheel hub speed sensor I need is hooked up to the computer as an
    input sensor .
    IlBeBauck, Sep 16, 2010
  6. IlBeBauck

    hyundaitech Guest

    Indeed, Dave. This provides vehicle speed and misfire monitoring
    information to the ECM.
    hyundaitech, Sep 30, 2010
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