Draining tranny fluid out of XG 300

Discussion in 'Hyundai Grandeur / Azera / XG' started by B Crawford, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. B Crawford

    B Crawford Guest

    Hi Folks,
    I want to drain as much fluid as possible & install clean auto tranny fluid
    in this XG300. I seem to recall that you are supposed to disconnect the
    tranny cooler line & crank the engine to help empty the torque converter
    before refilling. Any advice?
    B Crawford, Oct 1, 2007
  2. B Crawford

    southluke Guest

    I am very interested in this subject. Have a 200
    Sonata and finally saved enough money to buy a case of transmissio
    fluid. The manual says to remove the cooler line and run for
    maximum of 1 minute. Then drain from the drain plug. Replace th
    plug and fill with fluid. Then run again for max of 1 minute.
    Reconnect line and fill with fluid. Start savings account for th
    next fluid change

    Maybe HyundaiTech will comment on this issue, hint, hint

    The Kia/Mitsubishi dealer told me to use ATF-3+ or something lik
    that, but I ain't using no cheap fluid in my Sonata

    Let me know if you learn more, please
    southluke, Oct 2, 2007
  3. B Crawford

    B Crawford Guest

    Thanks for your input Southluke,
    The rain finally let up, the sun came out & the temperature rose to a
    seasonal norm here in the wild West Kootenay Mountains. So as per the
    instructions on HMA Service & your manual, I did drain the tranny thru the
    hose to the cooler -a little hard on the hands in the tight space between
    grill & rad. Then opened the drain plug on bottom of tranny, cleaned off the
    magnetic shaft on end of drain plug, reinserted plug. I had on hand about 3
    1/2 litres (US quarts) of fresh older spec tranny fluid from Hyundai so I
    used that as the sacrificial flush, redid the flush steps -not letting it
    run for more than 30,40 seconds, drained again, changed my spin on tranny
    oil filter (may be an XG item only- looks just like a normal oil filter but
    is not) & refilled carefully to get the right level -took about 6 litres.
    I've got to say I could feel a big difference when test driving. Was getting
    a bit of a 4th-5th shift shudder here in these extreme mountain roads with
    10% grades , but with that new fluid a very noticeable difference -quicker,
    tighter shifts.
    Now as you say to start the next fund raiser to save for the next time
    50,000 km rolls around. Of course, if you have your ear to the ground peak
    oil may look after this for us, there may be no affordable gas to get me to
    50,000km ! Nonetheless, still love to drive that hot rod XG & feel the G's
    with my foot to the floor.
    PS: For where we live I think my next 'car's going to be a horse!
    B Crawford, Oct 10, 2007
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